This website is owned and operated by Caravan Trade & Industries Association of Victoria trading as Caravan Industry Victoria ABN 67 413 472 774, herein the "Show Organiser". By using the website and purchasing a ticket you agree to abide by the terms and conditions as follows;

Concession Tickets

1. Where concession tickets are available, proof of your eligible concession status must be provide on entry to the event.


2. Entry may be refused if tickets are damaged or defaced in any way or if the Caravan Industry Victoria (Show Organiser) has reasonable grounds to believe the tickets have been acquired by unauthorised or illegal means. Tickets are valid for entry on a single day and can only be scanned once, so you must protect your tickets from unauthorised duplication. Tickets will be valid for entry during the hours nominated by the Show Organiser.


3. All ticket sales are final. No refunds or exchanges will be made for any ticket except as required by the Australian Consumer Law or any other applicable law. Should the event be cancelled, unused tickets purchased will be refunded. If a refund is made, the Show Organiser may, to the extent permitted by law, retain a reasonable service or administrative fee. If an event is cancelled, please contact us for further information on receiving a refund. Ensure that your tickets are kept in a safe place. Lost, stolen or destroyed tickets will not be replaced.

Unauthorised re-sale or duplication of Tickets

4. Tickets must not, without the prior written consent of the Show Organiser, be resold at a premium or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes (including competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods or services. Unauthorised re-sale of tickets (or an attempt to do so) or unauthorised duplication of tickets are grounds for the cancellation of tickets and refusing admissions to the event without compensation.

Conditions of Entry

5. You agree to comply with any conditions, controls, directions, rules, plans or policies (Conditions) issued by either the Show Organiser, the Victorian State Government or the Federal Government regarding COVID-19 as a precautionary, biosecurity, vaccination measures or social distancing requirement. You acknowledge that these Conditions may vary from time to time and that you must continue to comply with any varied or new Conditions. You must ensure that prior to your entry into the venue that you are aware of the Conditions that may affect your participation in the event and entry to the venue (including vaccination and mask requirements). The Show Organiser may provide updates of any Conditions, but you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to be aware of the Conditions.

6. Your entry into the venue is subject to, unless otherwise notified by the Show Organiser, vaccination requirements and you showing acceptable evidence that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a vaccination that has been registered or approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration or otherwise acceptable evidence that you are medically exempt from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. Acceptable evidence of vaccination status includes a COVID-19 digital certificate displayed through the Medicare app, Service Victoria app or smartphone wallet or a printed version of the COVID-19 digital certificate or immunisation history statement issued by the vaccination provider, a medical practitioner or the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). If you received your vaccination(s) outside of Australia acceptable evidence includes an Australian International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate or other forms of evidence recognised by the Victorian State Government or the Federal Government from time to time. Acceptable evidence of a medical exemption is limited to a statement displayed through Medicare app, Service Victoria app or smartphone wallet or a printed version of a medical contraindication recorded on the AIR.

7. You must carry valid government issued photo identification at all times while at the venue and must produce that identification for inspection when requested by the Show Organiser.

8. Persons MUST Check-In to the event via the QR Code at the gate to be granted access to the venue.

9. Any person exiting the show will Check-out of the event via the Service Victoria app.

10. Persons will only be admitted if they possess a valid ticket which must be presented for inspection at the point of entry of the venue.

11. You must retain your ticket at all times while in the venue and you must produce your ticket if requested by any personnel of the Show Organiser.

12. The Show Organiser reserves the right, with reasonable cause, to refuse entry, remove or evict any person from the venue, with or without a refund, including where in the opinion of the Show Organiser it believes that a person may be showing symptoms of COVID-19, has tested positive for COVID-19, has been identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 case, is completing a governmentmandated period of self-isolation, has failed to comply with any vaccinations requirements or failed to demonstrate acceptable evidence of your vaccination status (or a valid medical exemption which exempts your from receiving a COVID-19 vaccination (being only a valid AIR immunisation medical exemption form)).

13. The Show organiser also reserves the right to remove or evict a person if they cause or threaten to cause any disturbance or disruption of any kind, a risk to safety or security or the enjoyment of the show by any other person or, is likely to breach, has threatened a breach or has otherwise breached these terms or conditions or refuses to comply with any reasonable request or direction made by the Show Organiser.

14. Visitors must be able to produce evidence of proof of purchase (receipt) for any product they are removing from the venue to event security when exiting the grounds if asked. The Show Organiser reserves the right to check the contents of bags to match the item with the product description on the receipt or proof of purchase. It is the responsibility of the visitor to obtain a receipt of proof of purchase from the exhibitor when making a purchase.

15. You must comply with any reasonable directions given by the Show Organiser and the security arrangements for the event and the venue, which may include ceasing to participate in certain conduct and searches of clothing and possessions and prohibition of certain items such as knives, umbrellas, glass, illegal items, protest or political paraphernalia, items considered to be offensive, vehicles or other transportation devices (except as required because of a disability), alcohol, animals and items which may cause nuisance or danger as determined by the Show Organiser.

16. Appropriate footwear must be worn within the venue at all times. The Show Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to, remove, or evict any person considered not suitably attired.

17. No animals are permitted within the show buildings or grounds at any time except as otherwise permitted by these terms and conditions. All domestic dogs and guide or companion animals required for persons with disabilities and as certified by law are permitted within the grounds.

18. Any animal entering the grounds must be under your control at all times, and in the case of dogs, must be maintained on a lead and under the control of a person capable of restraining it. No animal may be left unattended at any time inside or near the grounds (including by being tied up, left unattended, or left in a vehicle whether inside or outside of the grounds). You will remain liable for any loss or damage caused by any animal brought by you into the grounds. Any person who leaves any animal unattended whether inside or outside of the venue (including in a vehicle) will be reported to the appropriate authorities immediately. You must clean up after any animals brought by you into the grounds.

19. Exhibitors at the show reserve the right to refuse entry to their exhibits to any animal and any person accompanying that animal.

20. The Show Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to, remove or evict any person bringing an animal to the show in circumstances where the animal presents or is deemed to present a risk to the health and safety of any person.

21. If you bring children into the event you are responsible for their care and conduct. All children attending the event must be under the supervision of an adult guardian at all times. You are responsible for any acts or omissions committed by children whom you have brought to the event.

22. Smoking is not permitted in the venue unless otherwise advised by the Show Organiser in writing. To the extent expressly permitted, smoking areas in the venue precinct will be clearly designated.

23. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted to be brought into the grounds at any time. Alcohol may only be consumed in the grounds within designated areas and no alcohol is to be removed from, or consumed outside of, those designated areas.

24. You must not interfere with, tamper, disrupt, damage or otherwise deface any exhibit or the property of any other person within the venue. You must not erect or display any banners or signage in the venue without the prior written consent of the Show Organiser.

25. You acknowledge and agree that you are liable for any damage caused by you as a result of your entry into the venue and attendance at the show (including any clean up, rectification, replacement or repair costs).

26. Without limiting these conditions, you must not participate in, and will be removed from the venue if in the opinion of the Show Organiser you have, or have threatened to, act in an inappropriate manner (including conducting any protests or acting in any aggressive, riotous, abusive, offensive, racists, sexist, or insulting manner towards other persons).

27. Persons gaining unauthorised access or entry to the event may be liable for prosecution.

28. The Show Organiser reserves the right to cancel, withdraw, postpone or reschedule the event or any displays or events in the event.

29. The Show Organser does not represent that there will be space for you to observe any particular displays in the event.

30. The Show Organiser reserves the right to prohibit the use of cameras, audio and video recorders. You may use these types of personal devices for private use only and with the permission of stand operators and the Show Organiser.

31. You consent to being photographed, filmed and recorded as a member of the event audience. Unless otherwise notified by you to the Show Organiser, you consent to the Show Organiser and third parties using images and recordings of you for broadcast, publication and licensing without compensation or acknowledgement.

32. Unless authorised by the Show Organiser in writing, you must not conduct any commercial, political, soliciting, promotional, performance, surveying or demonstration activity at the venue, nor collect contributions or distribute any material.

33. While at the event you must take care to protect your safety and the safety of others. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Show Organiser will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage suffered by you in connection with the event or the venue including liability for any injury, loss or damaged caused or contributed by the Show Organiser or its employees, contractors or agents or any exhibitor, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise.

34. You acknowledge and agree that by attending the event you may be exposed to the possibility of contracting an illness (including COVID-19). Contracting or exposure to COVID-19 can result in serious illness, temporary or permanent disability, other short or long term health effects or death, regardless of age or health condition. The Show Organiser will implement reasonable measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19, but you acknowledge that those measures may be unsuccessful and do not guarantee that you will not be exposed to, or contract COVID-19 while attending the event. You attend the event will full knowledge of, and assume all responsibility of, the risks of the COVID-19 virus.

35. To the extent permitted by Law, the Shor Organiser's maximum liability to you under and in connection with these Conditions of Entry, your purchase of the a ticket or your attendance at the event, is limited to the amount paid by your for the purchase of the ticket.

36. All other representations, warranties and conditions that would otherwise be expressed or implied in these conditions by law, statue or custom are expressly excluded.

37. The Show Organiser will not be liable to you for any indirect, consequential or special damages of any kind (including any economic, loss of profit, loss of anticipated profit, loss of savings

38. Nothing in these Conditions of Entry is intended to exclude, restrict or modify rights which you may have under any statutory consumer protection legislation (including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) which may not be excluded, restricted or modified by agreement. Any part of these Conditions of Entry which is unenforceable may be severed to the extent necessary to make these Conditions of Entry enforceable.

39. The Show Organiser may alter these conditions at any time if those changes are reasonably necessary to address safety concerns, compliance with law or to otherwise protect the legitimate interests of the Show Organiser. Any changes to these conditions will be published on the website of the Show Organiser.