Kiki’s Delivery Service (G) (2024 STUDIO GHIBLI 35mm FILM FESTIVAL)
“Kiki’s Delivery Service” is a charming animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story follows a young witch named Kiki, who, at the age of 13, embarks on a journey of independence and self-discovery. Accompanied by her talking black cat, Jiji, Kiki sets off to a nearby coastal town where she plans to use her magical abilities to support herself. Upon arriving in the bustling city, Kiki struggles to find her place in the world as she starts a delivery service using her flying broomstick. The film beautifully captures her challenges and triumphs as she learns about responsibility, friendship and perseverance.
As Kiki navigates her new life, she encounters a colorful cast of characters, including a kind-hearted bakery owner, Osono, who becomes a mentor figure for her. Through her deliveries, Kiki helps various townsfolk while experimenting with her powers and learning the nuances of adulthood.
Presented in Japanese with English Subtitles
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy
Year: 1989
Run Time: 102 mins
Classification: G
Format: 35mm Film
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1