Ponyo (G) (2024 STUDIO GHIBLI 35mm FILM FESTIVAL) Click for Additional Sessions
“Ponyo” is a delightful animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki that tells the enchanting story of a young fish named Ponyo who dreams of becoming human. Living in the sea with her magical father, Fujimoto, and her nurturing mother, Granmamare, Ponyo’s curiosity about the human world leads her to the surface, where she encounters a young boy named Sosuke. After a chance encounter, in which she accidentally transforms into a human girl, Ponyo must grapple with the consequences of her actions, as her fondness for Sosuke threatens to disrupt the balance between the ocean and the land. As the two children embark on a whimsical adventure, they encounter various fantastical creatures and the complexities of friendship and love.
Director: Hayao MiyazakI
Genre: Adventure 2008
Year: 2008
Run Time: 115 mins
Classification: G
Format: 35mm Film
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1