Serpent Season One Point Five feat. Hydra Fashion Week + Simona Castricum + Think About You + Who Cares?
Serpent Season One Point Five feat. Hydra Fashion Week + Simona Castricum + Think About You + Who Cares?
Hydra Fashion Week

Serpent Season One Point Five feat. Hydra Fashion Week + Simona Castricum + Think About You + Who Cares?

Bell City Takeaway (Preston , VIC)
Friday, 11 April 2025 7:30 pm
25 days away
All Ages


Early Bird
General Admission
To celebrate the release of Hydra Fashion Week's Remix EP "Serpent Season One Point Five" but also to celebrate love, life & music, please join us for a fun party & holy communion.

Join Simona Castricum (new-wave techno pop),  Think About You (celtic garage jangle-folk), Who Cares? (mysterious occult experimental-folk) and Hydra Fashion Week (spiritual hyper-punk)

@Bell City Takeaway (221 High Street, Preson)

Early Bird | $15
GA | $20

This event takes place on the stolen land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.
First nations folk enter free, contact